Audit of company

Audit means partial or full checking of company’s accounting. All history of company’s activities is to be shown in accounting, not depending on place of that activity. Any activity outside of company’s accounting is illegal, under the Laws of Republic of Lithuania.

Audit is necessary for fixing of company’s activity, assets, profit, incomings, outgoings, indebtedness and other financial and economical indexes. Sometimes it is necessary for purchasing of company, but mainly as independent control.

We are providing audit only for companies registered in Lithuania.

For starting of audit process you will:

1. To present us your request, stating the reason of audit.

2. We will inform you about the documents required.

3. Agreement for audit will be concluded, conditions, price, terms and other details will be marked inside the agreement.

4. After audit procedure and protocol presentation, our company may provide you with further accounting services.